Love Ne Milaa Di Jodi', produced by Shakuntalam Telefilms, featuring Gaurav Khanna, Chandana Sharma, Karan Tacker, Dishank Arora, Parmeet and Simran will launch on 17th June at 9.30 PM in Monday to Friday slot.
This means Shakuntala, the periodic love story coming from Sagar Pictures which was aired at two slots 8 PM as well as 9.30 PM will now be shown only at the 8 PM slot.
Confirming this, Amrit Sagar of Sagar Pictures says, "Shakuntala was aired at the time slots 8 PM and 9.30 PM. The channel felt that 8 PM is a better slot for the periodic show and we will be sticking to that, while the channel will be launching a new show at the 9.30 PM